
BlueBook is powerful web-based analytical business intelligence tool that combines and analyses various pharma market raw data and transfers it into insightful and meaningful reports and visual dashboards.

One-click visualizations of market data foster your business decisions and support your daily operations and strategic moves.

A number of ready to use dashboards and live templates ease the analysis of complex market data, helps you to solve market challenges and serve the specific needs of all functions across the company - Upper Management, Sales, Marketing and Business analysts.

BlueBook offers multiple ready-to-use market reports by enriching NHIF public monthly-published data with various other data sets and combining it with historical data to present Insightful, intelligible, and easy-to-interpret reports.

Have a quick look at the core BlueBook skills.

Market Overview dashboard benchmarks the manufacturer's performance against the market dynamics for the month, QRT, YTD and MAT base and you can easily check Market share dynamics, Product Performance and Top performing products and/or ATC categories on the market.

Regional Overview dashboard data can be visualized by Medical Representative or Region.

BlueBook offers numerous ready-to-use and tailor-made dashboards for Hospital and Retail detailed market, calculating market shares; growth, etc on MAT, YoY, YTD timeframes.


There are many more ready to use dashboards like Product Card(all product characteristics, including sales data) or Details (data table with all available information).

Custom-made templates can easily be added for you to address specific goals and business needs.

Reference Price-check Tool

Online add-on tool for all External Reference Prices monitored in Bulgaria, saving time and resources to pharma companies.  

  • One-click search for any product across the External Reference list for Bulgaria (Romania, France, Latvia, Greece, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Belgium)
  • Manufacturer Prices are updated daily
  • Searchable via INN and/or Product name
  • Prices are published in local currency and in EURO
  • Historical price-change
  • Easy exportable table for your needs (as per the pricing authorities requirements)

Reference Price-check Tool

Pharma Market Forecast

Add-on module to BlueBook that enables monthly forecast gross sales for total market detailed at different levels:

  • Corporation/Manufacturer and MAH
  • Brand and Product level
  • split by 3 budget groups
  • Molecule level
  • ATC 3 level

Market forecasted data is provided in different measures:

  • Gross sales in Value
  • Units
  • Patients at product level
Pharma Market Forecast

DP (Due Payments) Calculator

Add-on module to BlueBook, that enables Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 scenarios and calculations for MAH Due payments, based on BlueBook net market dynamics:

Based on total market level (split by 3 budget groups and single and multiple-INN subgroups)

  • Projected net costs
  • Projected Positive net growths (PNG)
  • Projected Budget Excess* (optional budget scenarios may be explored)
  • Projected Correction coefficient (CC)

Detailed Calculations at company’s own MAH level (split by 3 budget groups and single and multiple-INN subgroups and product)

  • Due payments
  • Detailed down to product level
DP (Due Payments) Calculator

Budget Analysis

Budget Analysis dashboard is a monthly updated analysis over total reimbursed market, drilled-down to the monthly dynamics of NHIF budget groups vs Budget groups limits.

Here you can easily find Evolution Index (EI), Correction Coefficient and Net positive surplus information.
The Evolution Index (or Relative growth rate) is measured against market growth to assess if it is growing slower, quicker or on par with market growth.

Budget Analysis

Segmentation and Targeting

Segmentation and Targeting tool to profile HCPs based on the number of examined patients per diagnosis.

  • Increased sales force effectiveness by re-allocating visits to high potential specialists
  • Improved team management through coherent segmentation and profiling
  • Independent and reliable source of information on HCP practice potential
  • Detailed territorial split down to city and HCP practices (individual and group)
Segmentation and Targeting

Mortality Tool

BlueBook add-on module addressing the need of systemized local BG statistical data about medical causes of death among population over the years. Annual data since 2010, split by: 

  • ICD
  • Gender
  • Territory
  • Hospitals
Mortality Tool

Newly Diagnosed Oncology Patients

A new add-on module to BlueBook for newly diagnosed oncology patients enabling:

  • Tracking number of newly diagnosed patients per diagnosis and year
  • Tracking number of patients on treatment per year and diagnosis
  • Split by gender and region
  • Map of newly diagnosed cases per 100.000 population
  • Data available for the period since 2010
Newly Diagnosed Oncology Patients

HCPs by Specialty

A BlueBook tool providing information on number of HCPs:

  • Split by territory (28 Regions) and specialty
  • Number per 100k population
  • Based on consensus data reports
HCPs by Specialty

Clinical Paths

The module supports you in your targeting activities by providing information for number of cases (patients) and costs split by:

  • Year
  • Clinical path – name and number
  • Hospital
Clinical Paths

Product Switch Analysis

Unique add-on module for tracking of product switches in a specific indication.

The analysis that can be performed at BRAND, MOLECULE or ATC3 level within a given ICD scope. The switch analysis shows the prescription behavior 12 months before the start of the analyzed BRAND, MOLECULE or ATC3 and follows-up the prescription behavior for the next 12 months. It calculates the source of business: naïve, switch, on hold, etc.

  • Understand where patients come from, how long they stay on treatment, and what product they switch to after they discontinue
  • Understand the level of cannibalization between own products
  • Confirm current adherence assumptions per indication
  • Deepen understanding of source of business
  • Gain market insights over a prolonged period of time, to serve as basis for strategy development
Product Switch Analysis

Patient Tracker

Add-on modules with enhanced features for Insights and one-click visualization of product market dynamics and patient analysis - Patient retention and compliance to the product, new patient analysis.

The retention rate is based on how many patients continue treatment after each respective month. Tracks in percentage or absolute value the number of patients who continue treatment each month based on start date and segment.

Compliance rate (CR) is based on number of compliant months. The calculation represents the ratio between the number of compliant months vs all months since treatment start. Monitors the ratio between the number of months from the start of treatment and the number of months in which there is adherence to therapy.

Patient Tracker

Oncology Treatment Landscape

First detailed analysis, based on local RWE data for tracking therapy lines, duration, etc Detailed therapy area analysis as to better understand therapy paths and disease management patterns, based on real world data for Bulgaria.

  • Number of newly-diagnosed patients for 12 months
  • Number of newly-diagnosed patients per stage and hospital
  • Split cancer patients to histology types
  • Therapy regimes by types
  • Choice of treatment class at first & subsequent lines therapies in stage IV
  • Duration of therapies by lines (time to next therapy)
  • Time from diagnose to first protocol
  • Utilization of genetic markers
  • Therapy schemes
  • ECOG dynamics per therapy
Oncology Treatment Landscape

Onco Registry Tool

Online analyzing platform, that visualizes and interprets data from BG Oncology registry And provides valuable insights.

This data assists better the assessment of patients’ potential pool per indication, as you have better understanding of the diagnostics ways and the portion of patients undergoing treatment.

Details include:

  • Number of newly-diagnosed cancer patients in Bulgaria
  • Ratio of newly-diagnosed cancer patients with no treatment
  • Ratio of newly-diagnosed cancer patients with surgical treatment only
  • Ratio of death cases among newly-diagnosed cancer patients for 1 year and the average time to death after diagnosis
  • Ratio of Therapy types in newly-diagnosed cancer patients with treatment
  • Therapy type detailing (e.g. neoadjuvant, adjuvant, palliative, etc)
  • Spread of metastases
  • Average time until progression
  • Detail staging ratio
  • Grades
Onco Registry Tool